i'm not glad that you asked
but i'll provide you with context if you're that desperate to read it
i think this is my most sensitive one to be honest. i was in the midst of a less-than-perfect (i'm putting that exceptionally lightly) long-term relationship; one that honestly made me more suicidal than i've ever been before. this is coming from someone who was physically abused until the age of 17 and assaulted at 13. it takes a lot to make me legitimately want to harm myself anymore, luckily, but that was a dark period of my teenage life.
this was written while i sat at the edge of a lake, seriously contemplating suicide. i thought that if i made it sound as unpleasant as possible in my mind, i wouldn't try to do it. i didn't attempt it, but by god (faker) did i want to. i guess that's the only thing to be said about that one.
(exit bag)
this is a prototype for a song i was thinking of creating. i've been wanting to get into music for a long while.